Registration/Enrollment » Transitioning to Ninth Grade

Transitioning to Ninth Grade

For families of an 8th grade student NOT currently enrolled at a RBUSD middle school, please visit the RUHS website,, for further information regarding registration for the next school year. Information for non-RBUSD 8th grade students can be found under the "Registration" tab on the RUHS website, then please select the link for "New Student Enrollment" for the school year applicable to your family. 

Current 8th grade students attending Parras Middle School DO NOT need to complete the New Student Enrollment form mentioned above.  Current 8th grade RBUSD middle school students will automatically be enrolled at RUHS for freshman year.

 FAQ’s for Incoming RUHS Freshmen and New Students!  

What is a block schedule?  

The block schedule consists of days A (Monday), B (Tuesday/Thursday) and C (Wednesday/Friday). Students attend all classes on Mondays, attend the even periods (2,4,6) on Tuesday/Thursdays and the odd periods (1,3,5) on Wednesday/Friday. Period 7 (if applicable) is attended per arrangement by teacher.   

How long is the passing period?

The passing period is ten minutes.

Can students eat snack/lunch off-campus? 

No, RUHS is a closed campus. Students are not allowed off-campus without an off-grounds pass or sticker.    

How long is the snack and lunch period?  

Snack is 15 minutes long , Lunch is 35 minutes long.

Who can I contact if I have questions regarding a student’s academic progress in a specific class? 
Parents can contact the student’s teacher directly regarding the student’s progress in a class. If the parent still has concerns, they may contact their child’s counselor.
How do you sign-up for a locker?
9th graders will receive their locker assignments during August registration.
What is the dress code at RUHS?  
Appropriate clothing for young men and young women are required at RUHS, this includes: clothing that is safe and not disruptive to the school’s operation and students; clothing, jewelry, or other paraphernalia that denotes membership in gangs, advocates drug use, violence, discrimination, and/or disruptive behavior.  
Am I able to use my cell phone, iPOD and other electronic devices at RUHS? 
Cell phones may be used before/after school and during snack/lunch periods. Cell phones must be kept in a backpack, purse or locker during class time and may not be seen or heard at any time during an instructional period. Students who fail to comply with this policy will have their personal electronic device confiscated by their teacher, campus security, counselor or administrator. Disciplinary action will be determined according to policy.

How does my child pick their classes? 

All 8th grade students receive a lesson on freshman course options and submitting their course requests via PowerSchool.  8th grade families will also be emailed the same information shared directly with students.  The RUHS counselors will visit the middle schools to speak to students regarding their requested requested freshman courses All students are directed to discuss the course they are interested in with current 8th grade teachers and families prior to entering their requests in PowerSchool. 

How are teachers assigned to each student? 

PowerSchool randomly selects each students’ schedule.  

What zero period options are available for freshmen? 

Zero period options for freshmen include: ROTC and Marching Band; Other classes TBD, most freshmen classes are not available during zero period. 

How much homework should I expect my child to have every night?   
The amount of homework per night varies depending on each students’ individual schedule; however, each 9th grader should expect approximately one hour of homework every night.  Students in Honors and/or AP classes should anticipate additional homework time.
What tutoring resources are available?   
Please check with each teacher regarding their availability to assist students in groups or individually. Other resources include: the Redondo Beach library on-line tutoring service, on-campus tutoring clubs and the RUHS course department tutor list. Tutoring resources are subject to change, please check with the teacher or your counselor for more information.
When do I pick up the class schedule?  
The unofficial class schedules may be picked up on registration day. The official schedule will be picked up on the first day of school. 
What adjustments can be made to my child's schedule once it's picked up at registration?  
Students/families can submit a Course Change request after the student's registration date.  Information on how to submit this request will be shared with families closer to the August registration dates.  This link is used to report a missing and/or incorrect courses on their schedule.  Teacher change requests and/or change in period order will not be considered. Please have your child look closely at the freshman electives selected this spring as elective change requests will not be processed in the fall.        
How do I clear an absence?  
Parents/guardians have five days to clear a student’s absence.   The parent/guardian may clear an absence by calling the Attendance Office, writing a note (may be dropped off in the Attendance Office), or filling out the online absence form available on the RUHS website. Please verify that the absence has been cleared on PowerSchool.    
What are the penalties for being tardy?  
Excessive tardies may negatively effect a student’s citizenship grade. Three tardies is equivalent to one period truancy.

What are the seasons (for each sport)?

Please see the RUHS Course Catalog for this information.

How do I know if I am eligible to play a sport? 

All students must maintain a 2.0 GPA on a quarter or semester grade report, earn no more than one “U’ in citizenship on a quarter or semester grade report, complete an athletic packet and be an Associated Student Body (ASB) member.    

When do the sport summer programs begin? 

Summer sports programs will begin soon after the end of the school year, the actual start dates vary per program. Information will post on the RUHS Athletics page in the spring.  If you are interested in the RUHS Athletics program, make sure to attend the May Athletic Information Night.

Can I participate in more than one summer program? 

Most students participate in one summer program; however, students may participate in more than one program, as long as the schedules do not conflict and both coaches are aware of the situation.    

Will my child still be able to join the team if they do not participate in the summer program? What is the process?

Although it is helpful for students to participate in the summer sports program, they may still be eligible to join the team and will have to try-out for the team at the appropriate time.    

Will I be guaranteed a spot on the team if I participate in the summer program? 

No, unfortunately participation in the summer program does not guarantee a place on the sports team, although it is helpful.  

When do sports try-outs take place?

Sports try-outs occur throughout the year, depending on the season. Please check the Weekly Bulletin and/or RUHS website for upcoming information.  

I made it on a sport’s team – when will it be placed on my schedule?  
Sports schedule changes will occur once the official rosters are given to the counselors.

How many years of PE do I need to graduate from RUHS?   

All students must complete two years of PE to satisfy the graduation requirement. 

Do I have other options other than 9th grade PE?   

9th graders may also take ROTC, Marching Band, or participate in a sport to earn PE credit. Those who do not take ROTC or a sport must take 9th grade PE.  

What if I do not pass the California Fitness Test?   
All 9th graders must pass the California Fitness Fitness. Students who do not pass the test must take PE each semester until all tests are passed or until a student graduates from high school.
What does my counselor do?  
School counselors assist students with academic planning, career/college preparation and help students with personal/social issues. They support the students, teachers and parents of RUHS.  
How do I see my counselor?
You may make an appointment to see your counselor by seeing the counseling administrative assistant before/after school and during snack/lunch periods.  
Can I contact my counselor during the summer?  
Counselors will not be available over the summer.          
What other activities do they have at RUHS? 
RUHS has numerous other activities such as school plays, musicals, various sporting events, dance competitions and concerts, sports tournaments (such as basketball, dodgeball, ping-pong, etc), music concerts, exchange student visits, robotics competitions, art exhibits…and much more!
What kind of information is available in the College/Career Center? 
The College/Career Center has information regarding college admissions, college testing, career research, scholarship information, volunteer information, financial aid information and more!

Information for High School Academic Pre-Planning


 What does A through G mean?


In the upcoming years, it may be a common occurrence to hear the term “A through G requirements”.  This term is used to reference a list of class requirements to be taken in high school, and passed with a C or better, for California State Universities and/or UC California campuses.   Each letter of A-G stands for an academic subject category (A= History/Social Science, B= English, C= Mathematics, D= Lab Sciences, E= Foreign Language, F= Visual and Performing Arts, G= College Prep Electives). 


Why do parents and students need to know this?

The more information and direction you have about reaching future academic goals, the better prepared you and your student will be.  Although your Parras student is currently in middle school, we’d like to present parents with important information about academic planning necessary in the near future for high school enrollment for those who are interested in attending a 4-year university. 


If your student is not planning on attending a 4-year university straight out of high school, these requirements are still important to understand as students may meet admission requirements through a city college campus and still have the opportunity to transfer to a 4-year university after requirements have been met.    Therefore, A-G classes taken in high school prepare you for your transfer plan if attending a city college after high school.  In summary, it’s a good idea to try and get as many A-G requirements done in high school to keep options open.


Where can I view a list of A-G courses?

You can view the requirements in the chart below and you can go to the RUHS website, to find the school’s course catalog under their “Academics” title at the top of their home page. The course catalog will describe each course available and specify if the course meets a UC or Cal State A-G requirement. 

Please note that courses offered at RUHS may change each year.  Therefore, this message should be viewed to create a guideline rather than a concrete plan for your student.  Additional links on the RUHS webpage are the “Counseling” link on the left side of the home page and the “Career Center” link, also located on the left side of the RUHS homepage.

Events have concluded
Freshman Scheduling Info:
2) Scroll to the bottom of the web page to the "9th Grade Planning Section"
3) Open the "Important Due Dates & Reminders" link