Band Welcome Page

Date |
Event |
Bands Involved |
Details |
9/11/23 |
Disneyland Workshop |
8th Grade Students Only |
Students will attend a recording studio workshop at Disneyland |
10/6/23 |
RUHS Football Game Halftime Performance |
8th Grade Students only |
8th Grade students from all bands perform during the halftime of an RUHS Football game. 5:30pm call time at RUHS Bandroom |
10/26/22 |
Spooktacular Concert |
All Bands Attendance Required |
5:00 pm call time. Concert 6-7:30pm at RUHS Auditorium |
11/17/22 |
Turkey Bowl |
Pep Band |
In School Performance During Football Assembly |
12/07/22 |
Winter Concert |
All Bands Attendance Required |
5:00 pm call time. Concert 6-7:30pm at RUHS Auditorium |
*3/01/24 |
Festival/ Knott’s Berry Farm |
Chamber Winds, 0 Period Jazz |
All day event. More info will be sent home in December |
*3/22/24 |
Festival/ Knott’s Berry Farm |
Wind Symphony, Jazz Band |
All day event. More info will be sent home in December |
*3/6/24 |
Elementary Band Tour |
Jazz Band Students (some chamber winds) only |
Students will go to all feeder elementary schools to perform for 4th/5th graders |
*3/13/24 |
Elementary Band Tour |
Jazz Band Students (some chamber winds) only |
Students will go to all feeder elementary schools to perform for 4th/5th graders |
4/25/24 |
Open House |
Pep Band & 5th Grade Band Students |
Students perform before open house on the upper deck |
5/09/24 |
Spring Concert |
All Bands Attendance Required |
5:00 pm call time. Concert 6-7:30pm at RUHS Auditorium |
5/31/24 |
Jazz Under the Stars at RUHS |
Jazz Band |
Parras Jazz Band will perform in front of the RUHS Auditorium during the evening time |
Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band won Gold

25% Practice Cards (turned in the 1st Monday of each month)
50% Daily Participation (having instrument, music, and pencil)
25% Attendance at concerts and after school rehearsals
Practice cards are a method for tracking student practice. They help to keep students organized, manage their time, and hold them accountable for their practice.
Blank practice cards will be given to students, and are also available on the Parras Band website. Students must log their practice minutes onto a practice card everyday. This card must be completed, signed by an adult, and submitted to me on the first monday of every month.
Jazz Band & Wind Symphony and Chamber Winds students must log a total of 10 hours a month (around 20min/day)
Symphonic Band students must log a total of 7.5 hours a month
(around 15min/day)
Students are encouraged to practice everyday rather than cramming once a week. Pep band and after school rehearsals will count towards regular practice time. Private lessons will count towards double (For example, a 30 minute lesson once a week equals 2 hours a month x2 = 4 hours a month). Extra credit will be awarded for exceeding the required time.
Symphonic Band
This class will consist of mostly 6th graders who had experience with band in 5th grade.
Wind Symphony
Consists mostly of 7th and 8th grade students who have been playing from 3-4 Years. Audition only.
Chamber Winds
Consists mostly of 8th grade students who have been playing from 3-4 Years. Audition only.
Jazz Band
Small group of (mostly 8th grade) students who have proven to be outstanding on their instrument. Consists mostly of 8th graders. Audition only.
0 Period Jazz Band
Small group of 7th and 8th graders who will meet before school 7am-7:50. Audition only.
Pep Band
Tutorial class offered only to students enrolled in band. Any band student may participate. This group plays fun pop music that is not typically played during regular band classes. Students receive credit on their practice cards for rehearsing with this group.